7 Steps towards Enlightenment at Adler Lodge Ritten March 20 – 27, 2022, Soprabolzano Italy

March 20 – 27, 2022, 2021 / Soprabolzano Italy

Anything we want to master requires certain steps. These steps are as much important as the final achievement, if not even more. Each step teaches us something about our mindset. First understanding and then correcting your thinking patterns is crucial for your personal evolution as well as for leading a happy and fulfilled life.
In most spiritual traditions and in Yoga Philosophy is stated that the number of steps needed in order to evolve our consciousness and move towards enlightenment are 7. We talk about  7 gateways of perception/ Chakra, 7 realms/ Bhumikas, and so on.
How can you master one step after the other and, at the same time, purify your body and your mind? The answer is practice.  Specific cleansing techniques, the practice of posture/asana, breathing exercises/ pranayama, sense withdrawal/pratyahara, reciting mantra, studying scripture, and concentration which leads to meditation, will eventually but inevitable contribute to your personal growth as a spiritual human being.  Remember you are a product of whatever you have ever thought, said or done. – it is all manifested in your body and mind.
During this retreat we will concentrate each morning on one step and gradually “climb” up the ladder towards enlightenment while learning about the chakras and their connection to a specific karmic relationship and the Bhumikas: morning classes have the format Jivamukti Open, afternoon classes are dedicated to restore & renew, pranayama, kriyas, guided relaxation and meditation.
We recommend bringing your own yoga materials.
In order to guarantee maximum safety to our guests, we need proof of anti-Covid vaccination or a certificate of recovery from a Sars-CoV-2-infection.
To reserve your spot visit the Adler website.